Tuesday 9 July 2013

HOMEWORK CHALLENGE: Exhibition Review!

Hello Everybody,
Once again I have finished one of my homework challenges. 

Over the weekend, I went to an exhibition and reviewed it. I went to the Tauranga Art Gallery in Willow Street. I had a look at the art of Jeff Thomson who uses Corrugated Iron. I learned that some of Jeff's other work included the corrugated elephant that sits outside the main entrance to Auckland Zoo.

The first sculpture I looked at was a Corrugated Car, just in front of the foyer. The design around the whole car was covered in Corrugated Iron except for the wheels and the windows (see picture). It was a fully working car and able to drive and was a vintage car, used in the old days. I thought this was a great piece of art. Just over by the window was a corrugated baby Giraffe. It was so life like!

The second piece of art I looked at was the Mauao Art Displays. There were many pieces of art even from back in the early day's of New Zealand. Some were done by the early Europeans. They are beautiful paintings and quite a unique bunch of artworks. There was also a little projection room to the right of the exhibition room. As you walked in, there was pieces of old artwork, projected to look like it was moving. There was a stereo in the corner making sounds to make it seem like you were standing right there in the artwork. It was another amazing chance to see how unique the art was and showed us great parts of Mauao. I even recognised some of the walkways when I walk around the Mount.

Upstairs was more Jeff Thomson work. The third piece of at was Corrugated Weaves. It was once again Corrugated Iron but I thought it was amazing how Jeff could twist and bend it and it was a piece of iron! Even though this Iron is specially made I still thought it was seriously unique. It was all different colours which must have taken a while to mix together.

The fourth and final piece of art I saw was a house. The plan of how he was going to make it was sitting on top of a small glass ledge, made out of cardboard. He followed the plan very careful and made a perfect fully scaled house pretty much exactly like his model except he forgot the chimney. Besides the chimney it was amazing, truly amazing.

There was alot more sculptures like dogs and chickens and mailbox designs all made out of Corrugated Iron and also a video to show how he made it. Unfortunately we did not have enough time to have a sneak peak at it but I know he makes it with great effort and great concentration. I thought it was an amazing and rare opportunity to look at well thought out ideas and it was great. 

I would definitely recommend everyone going to see the exhibitions. It is definitely something different and also something that would appeal to kids of all ages!


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