Tuesday 11 March 2014

Art Technology - First Technology class for 2014

This week, Rimu house has had its first for 2014 technology rotation. Our house is split up into 7 groups, 4 Year 8s and 3 groups of Year 7s. This week, my group, 8B has started off with Art Technology.  There are two art teachers, we had Mrs Balme and we had Mr Roy last year.

Day One: Printmaking with Polystyrene
We first started with print making using ink and polystyrene squares. First, we had to use a visual frame to capture some of the items of Gate Pa sitting on the table in front of us. We first had to draw it on the cover of our art files and then copy it into a polystyrene square. After that, we used rollers and rolled ink across the polystyrene. Once that was done, we firmly placed them onto a piece of paper and used a dry roller to put the ink onto this piece of paper. It turned out with a great result.

Day Two: Printmaking with Wood squares
Today, we pretty much did the same as yesterday but instead, with a block of wood. To start with, we looked at some pictures of things and items from the war of Gate Pa. We then drew them inside our art folder. Jordan and I were the first to be ready and we worked together to make a good result. Once we had copied it onto our block of wood, we carved one small bit of our artwork. We then used the rollers to roll yellow paint across the wood. Mrs Balme taught us that when rolling across the paint trays, listen for a sort of velcro sound. We then did the same drill as yesterday, stick the block of wood face down, roll it onto the paper but instead of on the top, we reversed and flipped the paper over to roll it. Then lastly, we unstick the block of wood. We did 4 limited edition copies and after that, Jordan and I helped pack up and get other people done.

Day Three: 3rd Colour Print on our wood block
Today, we made our 2nd and 3rd colour prints overtop of our first limited copy. My first one kind of slipped off the page but otherwise the rest looked alright.

Day Four: New Artwork
Today, we first started with out fourth and final colour print onto our paper. Then we started a different piece of artwe made a new piece of artwork (picture below). We painted our wood blocks white and made a cool piece of artwork. Today was our last day and we had to say goodbye to Mrs Balme

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