Wednesday 19 March 2014

Swimming Sports Recount

The whole of Rimu was slowly making their way towards Memorial Park Swimming Pool. It felt almost felt like a 3 hour tramp but it was only a thirty minute walk. We strode in two pairs, one on either side of the pathway. Peter and I were together behind Keelin and Zoe and in front of Matthew and Davin. Mrs Mills drove past with her iPad, taking photos of everyone going past. Soon enough we had reached the pools, lined up in our classes outside the pools main reception doors.  My bag were loaded with three loads of towels, goggles and a pair of speedos. The first class to walk through the doors were Room forty-two. Next, Room thirty walked through girls splitting apart into both changing rooms. It was now Room forty ones turn to split into both changing rooms. I slipped on my speedos and walked outside to the benches. It was time to swim.

Everyone placed their bags onto a location where they could take things out of their bag and put stuff back in. Cones were placed, bags were moved and towels were laid out, everyone was ready. The sun was shining and the wind was low, everything was perfect.
“All Year seven girls doing the twenty-five meter freestyle, please line up behind all six cones” Miss Campbell said through the cone, using it as a microphone. The calls slowly went up Year Seven boys, Year Eight girls until it was then Year Eight boys. All the boys were crawling over like ants finding their dead food. The time... was now!

I stepped up onto the diving block, feet in position and hands ready for the dive. My feet were in place, the call was given
“On your marks!” I placed my hands on the edge of the board and then...
“CLAP!”  We were off like fish swimming away from a giant killer whale. My arms slid through the water while my legs assaulted the water behind me. I stole the lead from Jhan.  I smashed past the second lot of flags, the edge of the wall was so close, I could almost feel it. My hands reached out, almost like it was my only survival. My hands made contact with the wall. I was finished! My head summoned from the waters insides, Leka released the small orange block.
“Congratulations, you won.”

I slowly placed my feet on the small steel footstep. I placed my orange block on the table in front of Ms Mills. She wrote down my points. Room Forty One had a good start, especially considering Noah was in our class. There was a lot in front of us for the rest of today, But I was ready for anything.

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