Thursday 4 December 2014

Tumblr Writing Project

   I think this would be a great idea, because you would be able to find someone that is like you and you can make a lot of new friends.

I think this should only display your First Name instead of your full name. I think it shouldn't show your age, but if anything say I was 23, I think it should just say 20s. This device should keep it's relationship status, but add a gender part. Education doesn't essentially need to be there, but mood is also a good idea. Sometimes someone might be really angry, so you know not to mess with or talk to them. Skills is not exactly essential, BUT if anyone wanted to go on a date with someone, that could help them with knowing what they like and/or enjoy doing.  Medical Information definitely does not belong there.

This would change day to day living A LOT . People would know about everyone wherever they went, they could get jobs easier and life would be so much easier. Everyday life would be so fascinating and would lead to much more advanced technology in the future. I would love these status bubbles, because you would know your way around a person and you can counter everything you want to say. You know whether to speak to the person or not, if they feel like talking, if they have something in common. Everything would be so much better. 

Sunday 30 November 2014

Clever Names

Note Taking

Note Taking

WALT: take notes and make notes reading an article
-use keywords and phrases to take notes
-use symbols and pics to take notes
-turn keywords, phrases, symbols and pics into full sentences.

When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center inProvidence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict theimpending death of terminally ill patients.

Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.

Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.

To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.

Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, ageriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.

Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.

Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge Reflection

Movie Challenge reflection
1. Embed your movie into your blog. Write a reflection underneath that outlines What your group did well?
Our group did well with teamwork and we did well at our well our movie was going to be panned out.

2. What would YOU do differently next time?
Organised our time differently so we could have had more feature parts to it.

3. Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
Probably made the video more advanced with different camera angles and a better script/main message. Also, we probably would have made the quality much better and organised how we were going to edit it.Criteria:
Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
Quality of message -
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
Able to use film making conventions
Camera angles, dramatic intention
Sound quality

Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Sunday 9 November 2014

Waimarino Blog Post

First Person View from a Blade of Grass.

As the first group of kids walked down the our concrete entrance, I thought to myself, isn't there two groups today? I knew that we were going to have a lot of kids running around, and that I would have to watch another group struggle to climb the UFO's ladder. I watched as Nicola and Jade looked over to the group, and then down on their clipboard.
"This isn't our school group, is it?" I heard Jade say.
"No, we have Tauranga Intermediate." Nicola would reply. I watched on as the small group continued to file down the stairway into the area. I could make out the Whakatane Intermediate shield on their uniforms. I waited around five minutes. Tauranga Intermediate was my favourite school, only yesterday we had a Light Blue House walk into our gates. They were a great group. Soon, around sixty kids filed so quickly down, they were faster then the speed of light.
TAURANGA INTERMEDIATE! I tried to shout, but then I realised I didn't have a mouth. My green body ruffled around as the wind from the incoming weather hit me with such speed, I nearly tipped over. I could see that the first halve of their trip wasn't going to be a fun part, as the rain was looking to shower down. All of the crazy coloured clothed people were really loud. I may have been near the diving board but I could see everything around the park.

As I watched the kids, I wanted to talk to every one of them, but I couldn't without a mouth. Nicola and Jade had large grins on their faces. They all ran towards the tent at the far side of the park as the rain started to pour. Soon they were changed and ready for their swim test. They dived off the board below me as I reached up as far as I could through the crack of where I was positioned. I watched them all dive in, and the kids at the back whimpering that it was too cold. They all swam hard to the ladder as they climbed out shouting it isn't that bad! I saw a medium height boy climb straight up on top of me. He looked like an advanced gymnast. He consistently jumped off until other people joined him. He positioned himself in a backflip position, as his foot slowly got closer to me. His foot was only centimetres away, only to realise at that moment, I was soon to be dead.

Monday 3 November 2014

Life Education

This graph shows Addiction of a drug. For our example, we used the effect of someone taking meth and getting addicted. The graph explains the main features, showing you what happens to they're feelings and how much it damages someone once they're addicted.

Addiction is when you need a drug to feel normal.

Create an image/diagram that shows you know what:


R - Give a Reason
E - Give an Excuse
A - Assertive
C - Change the Subject
H - Humor

W - Walk Away
I - Ignore
T- Talk about it or Toughen up
S - Say No!

Mechanical Skills

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Life Education, the horrors of the drug P.

Methamphetamine or "P'' is a drug that is used by a lot of people, it leads to unneeded crimes and unnesscary deaths.

Methamphetamine affects a lot of body parts, and I am going to list what it does to them. First of all, your body temperature. It increases to dangerously high levels, and can cause Organ failures or brain damage. Secondly, the user of Meth starts hallucinating, thinking something is under their skin. They scratch and scratch and scratch until they leave massive sores. Thirdly, it affects our immune system, causing greying skin and open sores. Fourthly, Meth stops hunger and appetite, causing tissue and bones to become very unhealthy. Next, users will pretend that something is there, when non-users can obviously see that there isn't. Sometimes they twitch awkwardly, not even bring able to control it. Their blood pressure also can cause irregular heart beats and maybe a heart attack or stroke. Meth can cause rotten teeth and gums from its acid and horrible hygiene. And lastly, the user will start to lose hair.

There has been quite a lot of crimes involving meth, including a little girls murder and Samurai sword murders, but I took interest into one certain article. There was a RSA murder, involving a man called William Dwane Bell. He was high on methamphetamine and also drunk. He tried to work at the RSA but after two weeks was told to leave. He then returned injuring the club manager, a club member and an employee. Susan Couch received Brain Damage.

Thursday 25 September 2014

My Picture Book.

Book titled 'Derek's Art Gallery Adventure'

Read this free book made on StoryJumper

Homework Challenge #5: Complete a 10x10 grid in under 2 minutes.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Art Gallery Review - Homework Challenge.

On Tuesday 19th of August, our class visited the Tauranga Art Gallery. I decided to make the most of it by reviewing the pieces we were able to view. Here are my reviews.
When we entered, we sat down in front of a Red Piano with a Maori design on the edges. It was called the "Black Rainbow" made by Ralph Hotere and Michael Parekowhai. The piano was very well detailed, and was even amazingly playable! There was a real neat story behind it also, and what the designs were actually for. We then moved into a room with letters EVERYWHERE! The lady taking us around (Mel) told us that each letter meant something involving writing such as; I being Illustration and N being Narrative. We had about ten minutes to look around and explore before we went through some books and explained what letter it would be out of N and I. 

Later on, we then went into the Art Studio. Mel told us we had to make a random picture using water colours and a straw. It was going to be put into a class book of all these weird and wacky art designs, made into odd animals. Mine was "Tazz Fazz, who bought his favourite Jazz." Pretty weird, huh? Mrs Mills then put it into the book and sent it back to the Art Gallery. I wonder what they thought of it?

Sunday 31 August 2014

Comprehension Questions- Bao Bao Celebrates First Birthday

Comprehension Questions

Question One: Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?

Answer: On Saturday, August 23rd, Washington D.C streets were filled to celebrate their favourite giant panda. Bao Bao and his brother, Tai Shan, were the only ones to survive after the rest of their panda family was perished in China.
Question Two: How did the zookeepers celebrate it?

Answer: They kept to a Chinese Tradition to celebrate both Tai Shan and Bao Bao. They were both offered three honey-dipped honey bamboo shoots and they had colourful posters next to them. There was "Long Life", "Good Health" and "Many Cubs".  Bao Bao immediately went for the the "Long Life" bamboo. He also was made a cake made from apple juice and various items. It had a large number "one" on it, also. Bao Bao attacked his birthday cake with delight.

Question Three: What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?

Answer: Bao Bao has learnt how to respond to her name and stand up straight on the weigh in's every month. The keepers are now trying to teach her how to lie down and present her paw when she needs her blood tested.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Physical and the Outdoors: Walking Johnson Reserve.


My Mum and I, occasionally walk around the Johnson Reserve. We go through the reserve, out and down Osprey Drive and come back down through the entrance near Selwyn Ridge. Our walk would take around about 45 minutes. Here are some pictures.

The Entrance near Selwyn Ridge.

The Bridge by the Meadowviews entrance.

The Corner Track down below the Selwyn Ridge Entrance

The stairs up to the Selwyn Ridge Entrance.

The Johnson Reserve Waterfall.

The area where you first walk into the track from the bottom part of Waipuna

The Steps when entering the track.

The Bridge by the Waipuna Entrance.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today, we visited the Whare Kai for a lesson about "Dangerous Decibels"with Toni. We learnt heaps about how long we can be around something that contains either a lot of noise or very minor noise.

Over the whole event, we learnt how to know the signs, what happens and what it looks like inside our ears, how it would sound if we had hearing loss, all sorts of stuff! We all got own pipe cleaner that resembled what happened if we went to a Heavy Metal concert and a card with noise control signs.

I thought the whole thing was good for me, to know how to prevent hearing loss in the future. Did you know, it is predicted that our generation will lose our hearing at the age of thirty? Scary, right?

Three ways we can prevent damage to our ears.

  • Turn it Down
  • Protect your Ears
  • Walk Away
During the presentation, we were given a tuning fork and a ping pong ball on a string, We banged the tuning fork on the floor, and held it up near our ear and face. Then, we banged it five times, and put it near the ping pong ball. The ball flew up about 45 degrees, before returning to the pitching fork. Then, when it came down, it did the same thing again.

Comprehension Questions: Mining Cavern

Comprehension Questions

Question One: How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?

Answer: Bounce Below is an underground cavern. It is located 100ft deep and 60ft wide. Before the tramp, it was a mining cavern.

Question Two: What are some of the things visitors will experience at Bounce Below?

Answer: The underground of an ex- mining cavern which has been transformed into a beautiful colourful trampoline park, unlike any other such as dialled. Safety first! The visitor will have to gear up with helmets and You will be made to head onto an old mine cart for the first ride of the "mountain". When going up, you will see amazing lights and sights. Tramps go for 10,000 ft along.

Question Three: What are the two ziplines called? What is special about each one?

Answer: When they are finished in the cavern, they go out to their parent company, Zip world. Both of them are called Velocity and Titan. They are special because Velocity is 500ft above the ground, also being the northern hemispheres biggest zipline. Titan can take people at the same time, which is really cool! Titan is not only one of the biggest ziplines around, but can amazingly carry people simultaneously, I think its great.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Homework: Physical Education and the Outdoors.

I am competing in the AIMS Basketball training, which we go through intense fitness trainings over the weeks. I will be recording what we do for the next weeks until our special week comes up.

Term 3, Week Two
This week, we did fitness tests and training. While two of us were completing in a push up-step-shoot-run and repeat, the rest of us had to continue with conditioning such as 2 minutes worth of planking or 20 press ups, etc. The game we continued with, there was a suction cup sort of pop-up pop-down item. We had to start out with two press ups, then we had to step and shoot. After that, we had to run to the opposite side of the court and come back. Next, we had to do three press ups, four press ups etc.

Term 3, Week Three
I wasn't allowed to do much this week as I had an important tournament in the weekend. The team participated in normal training with a lot of fitness and a lot of running. I practised my shooting.

Term 3, Week Four
Our coach Greg was back, so we ran through our normal drills. 
Term 3, Week Five
We went over a new drill which is called a press break. It is called Blue.
Term 3, Week Six
We had a 5 hour AIMS training due to needing to go over everything before the big week.
Term 3, Week 7
We didn't do any hard work, we went over our goals and went through post offensive stuff.
AIMs week
Monday: We won our first game 33- 21 to St. Peter's College in Auckland. I was privelleged to start too! Our second game we won again 33-9 against Whakatane. Great day so far.

We had to play 3 games today. We won the first game against Hastings, luckily, by 40-38. The second game we won by one goal 30-28 to Waihi. Two challenging games in one day! We then lost to Peachgrove Intermediate in Hamilton, 45-26. 

Now, our team had a fairly easy game and a heck of a challenging one! We had Otumoetai first up, winning by 46-19. Then, we had the top of the pool, Rosmini in Auckland. They were really well drilled! We lost by 62-24.

We had a fairly easy game to start, beating St. Marys Putararu. 49-20 was the score. Then, we crossed over 3rd of our pool playing Koromatua, who were 3rd in Pool A. We won 32-23. Now we were playing for 9th and 10th against at the winner on the court next to us.

Belmont was our opposition today. We only had one game. The score at the end  was 39-36 and guess who won ... US! We were now 9th out of 36th! Great position and great tournament ! 

Top Three:
Rosmini - 1st
North Cross - 2nd
Peachgrove - 3rd

Two teams in our pool were in the Top Three, wow!

A Full Season of Basketball

I have completed my first homework challenge, I have completed a season of Basketball.

I am in the Under Thirteen Tauranga Reps Team, and we just competed in a competition between our region over the weekend, the teams are as follows;

  • Thames Valley
  • Waikato A
  • Waikato B
  • Tauranga A
  • Tauranga B
  • Rotorua A
  • Rotorua B
  • Central Country
To qualify to head to Dunedin in the next holidays, we had to place in the top three over the whole tournament. We were placed in two pools. We were placed in a pool with Thames, Rotorua A and Waikato B. We played Waikato B on Saturday morning, at 8am. We won that game, after a slow start. We then found out Thames Valley pulled out so we won that game by default and then had a small training session. Then, we got to our competition, Rotorua A. We took a massive lead, before they made an epic comeback. We held it together, just, before the end winning again. Soon, we were in cross overs. We then played Central Country, if we won, we would be playing off for 1st and 2nd. We ended up having a real good game, winning. We were all very excited, because we were now competing nationally. The final game we lost to Waikato A only by seven though, but we didn't care, we had already qualified and thats what counted. Now that half of the season is complete, we now move onto the more serious note.  Big future awaits us when we hit Dunedin.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Comprehension Questions: Realistic Androids

Comprehension Questions

Question One: What are androids?

Answer: Androids are similar to Robots, but more realistic. They move realisticly, and look REALLY realistic. The two androids are both named Otonaroid (Otano means adult in Japanese) and the juvenile Kodomoroid (Kodomo means child in Japanese). Otano can tell you the latest news, via from an internet feed. WOW! Kodomo speaks a variety of different languages, all in different tones. How amazing!

Question Two: Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition? What are their respective roles?

Answer: Kodomo, Otano and a smaller bot named Telenoid that is a much smaller version of all of them, kind of the size of a baby. As said above, they all have their creppy and interesting minds of their own. Telenoid is used like a baby, giving the android a hug or even a quick conversation, before you move on.

Question Three: Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots?

Answer: Normal robots do not have the advanced skill, so it would be so hard! The creator, Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, first have to make a realistic skull, body etc. They spend nearly hours moulding and making it perfect. They then use hours of programming, and I would love some day to know how in depth they really do go!

Question: Some people believe android robots are cool. Others think they are a little creepy. What side are you on? Why?

Answer: I think they are both, but I am more on the cooler site. I think this is extrodinary and is amazing but also creepy too.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Comprehension Questions: British 'Naughty Contest'

Comprehension Questions

Question One: Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page?

Answer: They wanted people to upload videos of their pets doing the 'naughtiest' thing they can do for their competition 'Naughtiest Pets'

Question Two: What title did Yodie win? What did he do to deserve it?

Answer: Yodie destoryed a lot of items, by ripping them apart. The vet told him to stay home for two weeks, and after a lot of boredom, he ripped up any cushion he could find. He then won the title for being the naughtiest dog, with shreds of cushion and fluff everywhere. 

Question Three: What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently?

Answer: In second place, a dog named Harry whose favourite hobbies to do is also shred things up, but this time, he shreds up newspapers and magazines. Third place was a hilarious dog named Stoops, who surprisingly jumps into fridges and licks the top of the milk cartons.


Question: What is the naughtiest thing that you have seen or heard a pet do?
Answer: Well... seeing a dog and cat make the world their toilet is pretty bad hah, but otherwise probably about a dog named Sequency who ripped up most of her house up, with the cushions, couch pillows, bedsheets, she was on a rampage!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Comprehension Questions: Hotdog Competition

Comprehension Questions

Question One: Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat?

Answer: In 2001, a Japan Man named Takeru Kobayashi ended up eating fifty hotdogs in under twelve minutes, attracting attention around the world. The event is taken place on Coney Island, New York and is a tradition. It was first known made in 1972, but some believe it may have started all the way back in 1916! The show is programmed on ESPN.
Question Two: How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? What significant event occurred before the contest began?

Answer: Joey has won the competition eight years in a row. He proposed to his long-time girlfriend, right before the competition for this year began. 

Question Three: What happened in the women's contest?

Answer: Sonya 'Black Widow', the reining 3 year was beaten this year by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas who eat 34 hotdogs, over Sonya's score of 27 and 3/4 of hotdogs.


Question: What in your opinion makes food eating contests like these so popular (a) with contestants (b) with viewers?

Answer: I think the contestants are interested because there is quite a large prize for winning, and it would be a privilege to win. The viewers probably watch it for the humour and interest in how people can eat so much in ten minutes!

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali Discovery

1. The baskets are called Canang Sari. They are to worship the gods of hinduism and it is a part of religion. Sometimes they leave food inside to show the appreciation. 

2.  The school is called Bali International School (BIS). It has a rich and proud history back to its original building in 1985. The school contains 300 people from kindergarden up until Year 12. The school has quickly grown over the years.
3. The name of the fishes are Garra Rufa or known as Doctor Fish. They eat the dead skin off of your feet, and make them feel really smooth.
4. Batik can be used for clothes, table cloths and other items. It is a colourful design. They make this artwork from dying the sheet and then they will make little designs, taking a lot of time doing so. It is cloth and they use wax to make the artwork.

5. Temple Saraswati, Kingdom of Ubud is dedicated to honour the Hindu Goddess Saraswati. She is the Godess of learning, literature and art.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Ugliest Dog Competition

Comprehension Questions: Link

Q: How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?

A: This year is the 26th year, meaning it must have started in 1988. This year, the date it was taken place was Friday the 20th of June. 29 dogs were competing this year, and it was taken place at the Sonoma Country Fair.

Q: How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?

A: He was badly burnt in a fire, losing his lips, most of his body here and his eyebrows. They say that he is a master at winning this competition because of his also sharp teeth to go with his hideous looks. He and his owners now have $1500 USD and quite a big trophy. He was also taken to two live talk shows (The Today Show and the Jimmy Kimmel Show) and everything was pre paid for. 

Q: What is the organiser's main purpose for organising this unusual competition? 

A: The competition is run by a animal psychiatrist who takes care of the dogs and makes sure they are in a well and happy environment. He also makes sure that the dogs are doing okay and gives them a pep talk before the competition. He also uses it to honor the pooches because they may go through some human abuse. 

Q: Do you think this is an appropriate title for the competition? What would you change it to?

A: I don't think it should be named "The Ugliest Pet Competition" because it is kind of manipulating because maybe these dogs are just like normal dogs. Who knows? Maybe they don't have anything wrong with them. I don't even think it should be a thing, it should just be the cutest dog competition.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Cross Country Recount

For this recount, we had to write about a specific item near/on the course such as a drink bottle or a stopwatch. I have chosen a blade of grass.

My name does not matter, but I am just a lonely piece of darkish green coloured grass, being stepped on from all different directions. My colour was fading, and now the Year Eight boys were up next. I heard the gun from the distance, as I waved with the wind on the finishing corner. I saw lots of people sprinting up the hill, past the cricket nets and down by the buses. My eye caught a boy in a bright red shirt, wearing covered-in-black light blue shoes. He was near the front, behind another muscular looking boy in an orange shirt. The boy in the red shirt was quite handsome. Before I knew it, he disappeared with the group of boys.

Soon, I could see a boy in a sports academy shirt, in first place. He was leading the pack, with another boy wearing the same shirt close behind him. Many people starting passing for their second lap, but I couldn't seem to make out my new friend, until I saw his friend in a light blue shirt. The boy with the light red shirt was close behind, he looked tired. Again, I saw him disappear behind the new white building and then soon saw him coming around by the buses. Before I knew it, he had disappeared.

The final 200 meters was underway, and the two people with the dark blue and red shirts battling it out for first and second place. People kept missing me as I was positioned on the edge of the rope. Before I knew it, loads of people were racing each other, some with a lot of space between them. After nearly 50 people, I saw my new friend. I heard his other friends calling him "Zane" so that must of been his name. He looked pretty much smashed, and he was hobbling a bit on his right leg. He sprinted past and narrowly missed stepping on me. Later, after about 100-125 people someone finally clombed on me, weakening me. It was impossible to get up, and now, I was near death. My eyes slowly closed, to endless black.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Australia's Favourite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance

Comprehension Questions:
Question One:
Q: What is so special about Migaloo?

A: Migaloo is the first documented white humpback whale. The name Migaloo stands for 'White Fella'. A whale watching crew spotted the 'White Fella' with a pod of mammals. In 1991, Migaloo was spotted by Australia's Byron Bay. He was immediately then known as a 'special interest whale'. The big white fella weighs 55 ton and is completely white all over. It would be a rare sight because not many people would have the chance to see a rare white humpback whale! Also, Migaloo comes from the Antartica breeding areas. His colour comes from a thing called "albinism" which is a skin condition. His name is made from an Indigenous Australian Language. 

Question Two:
Q: Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
A:  Fans of Migaloo have put up facebook and twitter pages on his every move. Also, everyone makes sure that they stay 500 meters from the whale, because he is so rare and extremely rare to see. Nobody has seen "Migaloo Junior" for quite a while. Civillians said though they spotted a smaller white humpback. He is quite sneaky, and probably complicated to find. The fans are always looking for him, since of cause he is hard to find. If anyone got too close, Migaloo would probably get scared and swim right away. Anyone caught violating him, would have to pay a fine of $12,500 AUD. 

Question Three:
Q: Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? is he the only one?
A: No, others have spotted similar looking white humpback whales, maybe related to Migaloo? Researchers obviously have seen one before, as they referred to "Migaloo Junior". Hypo-Pigmented stands for loss of skin colour, answering why he is rare and why he is white.

Q: Do you think Migaloo's special color helps or hurts him from human predators? Why
A: I think it would attract uncalled for attention from predators that may want humans to capture and investigate further. I think his son/daughter would get A LOT more attention, because the kid is probably a young whale, targets for older predators.

Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles?

Comprehension Reading and Answering: Link

1. Q: What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm?

A: Oliver Kamundima, a financial director of the farm pronounced that some of the crocodiles at the Nyanyana farm are "vegetarian". Oliver said that the vegetarianism was a mistake, when the farm couldn't seem to afford reasonable meat. They started to feed them pellets, mixed with vegetable mix and meat. The crocodiles diet changed, and Oliver noticed that it did not deter their growth. Normal crocodiles (from what I have heard) have been known to eat people or bite people, so a question I have is do they not bite because they are vegetarian? I find this a very rare thing in the world we live in.

2. Q: How did they turn this way?

A: In 2006, Zimbabwe experienced economic crises, so the farm started feeding them with pellets mixed with meat and vegetables. The pellets did not affect the reptiles growth at all either, so now they are feeding them 100% vegetarian. Also, these pellets save a lot of money for the farm.

3. Q: What are the crocodiles being bred for?

A: The crocodiles are being bred for their skin, that is sold in Europe tanneries which is made into fashionable bags, shoes and more. When they are actually on the crocodiles, they look scaly and uncomfortable, so I wonder what they do to make it soft?


Q: How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin? Is it different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat? Why?

A: Well, I don't know how they are made so soft, when they look so scaly and hard, I wonder how they are made into clothes and shoes. I don't think it is any different because there is no difference, theres nothing special about crocodile skin, its the same as the other animals. So overall, I don't think there is any difference.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Thirteen year old girl climbs the summit of Everest.


1. Q: What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable?

A: Malavath climbed the summit of Mount Everest, being the youngest to climb it. The author would find Malavath story interesting because this is up and beyond what a normal thirteen year old would do. Also, since she was from a poor family, it would be interesting to write about because this would be a rare story.

2. Q: What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?

A: She was one of the twenty selected to go to an advanced training session at the Darjeeling Himalayan Mountaineering Institute for two weeks. After that, only two younger people were chosen, and one was Malavath. Once Malavath had climbed to the advanced camp, she got altitude sickness and was sent back down to base camp. After three days, she didn't want to give up so she continued climbing.

3. Q: How long did it take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people?

A: It took them fifty two days to make it to the summit, infront of Anand, a sixteen year old who was also chosen, when she hoisted her flag at the "top of the world". She hopes her achievements will encourage underprivileged children to get involved with their dreams.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Gate Pa Commemoration Inquiry

Bill Apiata.jpg
This is Bill Henry "Willie" Apiatia. Willie received a Victoria Cross award on the second of July 2007 for bravery under fire in Afghanistan in 2004. His team of 20 were in the New Zealand Special Air Services (NZSAS) were attacked when camped in the night. Rocket Propelled Grenades blew up the car where he was sleeping. He was sleeping on the bonnet when it blew up. Sharpnel hit two other people in or near the car. He found cover and checked their injuries before getting them over 70m to a soldier campout.

This is Jerry Mateparae. He was born in November the 11th 1954. He was the second person to hold the office of the New Zealand Defence Force after Sir Paul Reeves. He was also the director of the Government Communications Security Bureau from 7th of February till 1st of July 2011. Jerry became famous when he was first enlisted into the Regular Force of the New Zealand. He travelled to Afghanistan to mark the end of the New Zealand Defence Forces. He is New Zealands 20th and Niue's Governor-General.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Student Led Confrences

I think overall everything turned out great, they were happy with my levels and excited for this year. I thought it was good that they were in the class because they could see where we were learning, what we were learning, what we had done and all of the things that we’ve been working on. They liked having one on one time with the teacher and how I was building up my confidence and self organisation getting ready for the interview and running it. I really enjoyed just having my mother and father, instead of three families in one room. Next time I would like to show them right around the class so they can view everything we have done so far in the year, what we are working towards with something like our art pieces from Art tech and things like that.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Swimming Sports Recount

The whole of Rimu was slowly making their way towards Memorial Park Swimming Pool. It felt almost felt like a 3 hour tramp but it was only a thirty minute walk. We strode in two pairs, one on either side of the pathway. Peter and I were together behind Keelin and Zoe and in front of Matthew and Davin. Mrs Mills drove past with her iPad, taking photos of everyone going past. Soon enough we had reached the pools, lined up in our classes outside the pools main reception doors.  My bag were loaded with three loads of towels, goggles and a pair of speedos. The first class to walk through the doors were Room forty-two. Next, Room thirty walked through girls splitting apart into both changing rooms. It was now Room forty ones turn to split into both changing rooms. I slipped on my speedos and walked outside to the benches. It was time to swim.

Everyone placed their bags onto a location where they could take things out of their bag and put stuff back in. Cones were placed, bags were moved and towels were laid out, everyone was ready. The sun was shining and the wind was low, everything was perfect.
“All Year seven girls doing the twenty-five meter freestyle, please line up behind all six cones” Miss Campbell said through the cone, using it as a microphone. The calls slowly went up Year Seven boys, Year Eight girls until it was then Year Eight boys. All the boys were crawling over like ants finding their dead food. The time... was now!

I stepped up onto the diving block, feet in position and hands ready for the dive. My feet were in place, the call was given
“On your marks!” I placed my hands on the edge of the board and then...
“CLAP!”  We were off like fish swimming away from a giant killer whale. My arms slid through the water while my legs assaulted the water behind me. I stole the lead from Jhan.  I smashed past the second lot of flags, the edge of the wall was so close, I could almost feel it. My hands reached out, almost like it was my only survival. My hands made contact with the wall. I was finished! My head summoned from the waters insides, Leka released the small orange block.
“Congratulations, you won.”

I slowly placed my feet on the small steel footstep. I placed my orange block on the table in front of Ms Mills. She wrote down my points. Room Forty One had a good start, especially considering Noah was in our class. There was a lot in front of us for the rest of today, But I was ready for anything.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Our School Whare

On Thursday, we had Hui like always, every two weeks. Matua Grant gave us a little bit of information on our karakia and our school Whare. The Whares design is designed as a person exactly as the person below. Above the whare there is a big wooden plank that runs from the start to the end of the Whare’s roof. This represents the Tahuhu (Backbone). The walls that come down from the Tahuhu that look like weaves are the Heke (Ribs).

We then walked outside and he explained the structure on the outside of the Whare. The sculpture represented three iwi that always face Northwards, facing the sun. The top ancestor was named Ngati ranginui, he came from takitimu waka. The second one was named Ngai te rangi, he came from another waka, matatua. The last one was named Ngati pukenga. All three of them are holding a rope with every of the ten house colours. Outside of the Matai classes is a small art structure. Inside the artwork there is 4 things, each of them representing a class. There is a tuna, crab, shark and a tuatara. We use our whare for House Hui’s and sometimes gatherings.